Sama Jeeva Foundation is a Mental Health NPO licensed under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013.

The main Vision is – To create an abuse-free society and assist survivors in healing through guidance, support, and the creation of a safe space, in addition to making mental health accessible to all on par with physical health.

We’ve collaborated with LRG Educational Institutes, which has over 1200 students, to provide mental health, emotional well-being, and abuse prevention education to the children attending.

We have successfully launched projects like :

  1. Project Ananda – free counseling from trained and trusted professionals.
  2. Roots To Wings – carefully crafted in blended learning with a fun model to teach kids and adolescents about the importance of mental health, how to support themselves and others who are dealing with mental illness, how to practice empathy and gratitude, and how to create and be a part of a safe space and emotionally resilient community and strives to raise awareness about abuse, the many forms of abuse, and how to prevent it.

We at Sama Jeeva Foundation believe that only a peaceful mind can think in the right way, only a right thought can lead to the right actions and only the right actions can give real happiness to the heart.

When the heart is happy, all our internal organs work properly.

Thus it is a well-established fact that unless the peace and wellbeing of mind are ensured we cannot expect either a happy or a healthy life and in turn a happy and healthy world.